Health Physics Associates, Inc.
Health Physics Associates, Inc.

Issue of the Day

Issue of the Day Here a restraint system is installed on a metal thickness gauge that meets the NRC’s Increased Controls requirements.

Increased Controls and 10 CFR Part 37


As a result of concern throughout the world that radioactive sources could be used to make “dirty bombs”, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued requirements in November 2005 that radioactive sources above a certain activity or multiple individual sources adding up to that activity be covered under an Increased Controls Plan. The requirements stated that a facility had to prevent access to these sources by anyone not meeting the facility’s criteria of “trustworthy and reliable.” Amendments issued in 2007 require that a background check by the FBI be included in the criteria for determining if a person is “trustworthy and reliable.” In 2013, the US NRC published its new Part 37 that codified the requirements of the Increased Controls Order.  NRC regulated facilities had until March 2014 to bring their programs into compliance with the requirements of Part 37.  Agreement state licensees have an additional year.  While much of Part 37 is similar to the Increased Controls Order, there are significant differences.


Health Physics Associates has been involved in helping clients understand and comply with the requirements of the Increased Controls Order, including the new requirements of Part 37. We have developed Plans that have been approved by the US NRC. Our president meets the requirements of “trustworthy and reliable” and can work with you to develop or revise your current Plan to meet the new Part 37 requirements.

Should you have questions about Increased Controls, do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact Us Today!

Health Physics Associates, Inc.
1005 Old 22
Lenhartsville, PA 19534

Phone: 610 7564153


Radiation Protection Specialists 610-756-4153

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